Jun 19, 2007, 07:57 AM // 07:57
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Feb 2007
Guild: Ladies Rhythm and Movement Club [MOVE]
guild of the week [MOVE] becomes guild of the week again
Following our May 8 guild of the week win, The Ladies Rhythm and Movement Club [MOVE] was inundated by requests for people to join our guild. We simply ran out of room. And though the requests to join have diminished somewhat, we still find ourselves booting players simply to make room for newer ones interested in joining. This sucks and should not happen. We shouldn't have to boot friends when they go on short vacations simply to allow new people in.
So today we started up our sister guild, the Ladies Bump and Grind Club [MOVE] and we are now opening the doors for 100 more players.
The two [MOVE] guilds will communicate exclusively through alliance chat, uniquely making us one big guild rather than two allied guilds. We are luxon, have about 120 players currently, have a full guild hall, ventrilo, a website with lots of features, and most importantly, the friendliest, most social people ever. In fact, those deemed not social enough or those who don't participate in the fun are quickly replaced by new players. We are a liberal guild and you will find that the chat box fills quickly and the jokes fly fast.
If you are 18+, super super super super super social, active and fun, and have beaten at least 1 guild wars campaign, join [MOVE]! Feel free to check our site http://www.rythandmove.com or our guild wars guild of the week page http://www.guildwars.com/community/g...05-08-move.php for more details!
Contact: Frei Veriza, leader Rhythm and Movement OR Misato Shizennabi, leader Bump and Grind